Ma mère était couturière à domicile, et plein de gens me disent : "ouah, trop cool, elle t'a tout appris!"Ben non en fait.
My mum was a seamstress working from home. So now plenty of people use to tell me " so great, she taught you everything!"
Ma mère était couturière à domicile, elle travaillait dur, les journées étaient longues et elle n'avait pas le temps - ni peut-être l'envie - de m'apprendre. Je suis d'une époque - oups, ça va donner une idée sur mon âge! - où il y avait encore des cours de couture pour les filles au collège (les garçons, eux, faisaient de la menuiserie). On y apprenait les points de base, sur un échantillon de tissu blanc de 20cm de côté, et on fabriquait des sacs en jute brodés.
My mother was working very hard, working days were very long and she had no time for teaching me and maybe didn't care to do it either. I am from a time when girls had sewing lessons at school - boys were doing carpentry. We were taught the basic stitches on a piece of white fabric and we were sewing burlap bags.
My mother was working very hard, working days were very long and she had no time for teaching me and maybe didn't care to do it either. I am from a time when girls had sewing lessons at school - boys were doing carpentry. We were taught the basic stitches on a piece of white fabric and we were sewing burlap bags.
Je me débrouillais très bien, car j'avais passé toute mon enfance à regarder ma mère coudre. Je m'asseyais sur un tabouret à côté de la machine à pédale.
I was very good at this as I have spent my whole childhood watching muy mum sewing. I sat down on a stool by the old sewing machine with the foot pedal.
I was very good at this as I have spent my whole childhood watching muy mum sewing. I sat down on a stool by the old sewing machine with the foot pedal.
Nous écoutions la radio. J'avais le droit de rester tant que je ne m'agitais pas et ne disais rien.
We were listening to the radio. I could staywith her, as long as I didn't wriggle and shut my mouth.
We were listening to the radio. I could staywith her, as long as I didn't wriggle and shut my mouth.
La machine à coudre de ma maman, encore dans son jus. My mum's sewing machine, including the old dust |
Ma mère inventait les vêtements. Elle sentait venir les tendances, ce qui fait que j'étais toujours habillée avec un an d'avance. Pas toujours simple quand on est au collège ! Les clientes aimaient son travail car elle était douée et inventive. Et bon marché. Elle avait débuté à 11 ans dans l'atelier de sa tante après son certificat d'études, sa mère l'y avait envoyée d'office, elle n'avait pas eu son mot à dire. Mais elle avait pris goût à la couture et surtout au stylisme.
My mother was a stylist. She could see the new trend of the fashion coming so I was always dressed with the clothes from the year coming.This doesn't help when one is a teenager. Her clients loved what she was doing as she was very skilled and creative. She was also terribly cheap. She had started when she was 11 at ther auntie's shop after she graduated from primary school. She had had no choice,, her mother didn't asked her. But she gradually started to enjoy sewing and mostly creating clothes.
My mother was a stylist. She could see the new trend of the fashion coming so I was always dressed with the clothes from the year coming.This doesn't help when one is a teenager. Her clients loved what she was doing as she was very skilled and creative. She was also terribly cheap. She had started when she was 11 at ther auntie's shop after she graduated from primary school. She had had no choice,, her mother didn't asked her. But she gradually started to enjoy sewing and mostly creating clothes.
Je me souviens de mon émerveillement quand elle jetait le tissu sur la table de la salle à manger pour le couper. Quelques traits de craie blanche et elle coupait directement, sans patron. Pour elle, une couturière qui utilisait un patron déshonorait la profession. Burda, peuh, c'est pour celles qui ne savent pas coudre ! J'ai toujours dans les oreilles le crunch crunch des ciseaux qui mordaient le tissu. J'ai gardé les ciseaux et il est toujours interdit de couper du papier avec.
I remember how amazed I was when she was throwing the fabric on the dining room table for cutting it. She drew a couple of lines and crosses with a white chalk and she directly started to cut, without using any pattern.Those who where using patterns weren't good seamstress ans she could be very dismissive with them. I still hear the sound - crunch crunch - of the scissors bitting the fabric.I kept her scissors and it is still forbidden to cut paper with them!
I remember how amazed I was when she was throwing the fabric on the dining room table for cutting it. She drew a couple of lines and crosses with a white chalk and she directly started to cut, without using any pattern.Those who where using patterns weren't good seamstress ans she could be very dismissive with them. I still hear the sound - crunch crunch - of the scissors bitting the fabric.I kept her scissors and it is still forbidden to cut paper with them!
Ma mère cousait beaucoup de robes de mariées. J'étais chargée de défaufiler le tissu, bâti avec du fil rose ou bleu qu'il ne fallait pas casser car elle le réutilisait - le fil coûtait cher. Plus tard, je suis montée en grade et je surfilais les coutures, car sa machine Singer ne faisait que le point droit. C'était barbant, vraiment barbant mais ça m'a appris à coudre droit! Il y avait pénurie de demoiselles d'honneur dans mon patelin et souvent j'étais "prêtée"le samedi, vêtue d'une robe neuve, pour tenir la traîne de la cliente à l'église et à la mairie. J'en ai gardé une grande détestation des mariages.
My mother was making a lot of wedding dresses. I was on charge of removing the basting stiches and I was told to be very careful not to break any of them as she was reusing them many times - the thread was expensive. Later on I gained a promotion and had to overcast the edges because her sewing machine only did straight stitch. I hated that, it was so boring but it taught me how to stitch right! There was a lot of weddings in my village and probably a lack of little girls as I was often asked to be a little bridesmaid. I was "lent" on Saturdays dressed with a brand new gown, and I had to carry the bridal veil at the church and at the town hall. I still hate weddings...
My mother was making a lot of wedding dresses. I was on charge of removing the basting stiches and I was told to be very careful not to break any of them as she was reusing them many times - the thread was expensive. Later on I gained a promotion and had to overcast the edges because her sewing machine only did straight stitch. I hated that, it was so boring but it taught me how to stitch right! There was a lot of weddings in my village and probably a lack of little girls as I was often asked to be a little bridesmaid. I was "lent" on Saturdays dressed with a brand new gown, and I had to carry the bridal veil at the church and at the town hall. I still hate weddings...
Bref, tout ça pour dire que ma mère ne m'a pas appris à coudre. Mais quand j'ai commencé à vouloir me faire des vêtements (avec un patron Burda bien sûr, car elle ne m'avait pas non plus appris à couper !), j'ai retrouvé les gestes qu'elle faisait et je me suis aperçue que je savais bien coudre... Plus tard, bien sûr, elle m'a expliqué quelques trucs, elle ne disait jamais trop rien mais je voyais bien qu'elle était contente de mes créations, même si c'était souvent trop avant-garde pour son goût.
But my mum never taught me how to sew. When I started to make myself some clothes
(with a little help from Burda as she didn't taught me how to cut fabric either!) I realized that in fact I knew what to do and that I was sewing quite well. I did what I saw her doing during all these hours spent beside her. Then she gave me a few tricks to help me, she never said much about my creations but I think she liked them even if most of the time it was way too rock and roll for her.
But my mum never taught me how to sew. When I started to make myself some clothes
(with a little help from Burda as she didn't taught me how to cut fabric either!) I realized that in fact I knew what to do and that I was sewing quite well. I did what I saw her doing during all these hours spent beside her. Then she gave me a few tricks to help me, she never said much about my creations but I think she liked them even if most of the time it was way too rock and roll for her.
Alors, quand j'ai eu des enfants, je me suis dit que j'allais leur apprendre. Qu'ils sauraient tous mes secrets. Qu'ils n'auraient pas à demander. Là j'ai pris une claque. Coudre ne les intéressait pas, pas plus que tricoter ou broder. Maintenant mes filles sont grandes et ça commence à les titiller. Mon fils s'en fiche royalement.
So when my kids grown up I felt I could start to teach them everything. I would share all my secrets and my tricks, they wouldn't have to ask. But I had a shock: they weren't at all interested in sewing, knitting or embroidering... Now my daughters are grown up and they start to think about it. My son still doesn't care.
So when my kids grown up I felt I could start to teach them everything. I would share all my secrets and my tricks, they wouldn't have to ask. But I had a shock: they weren't at all interested in sewing, knitting or embroidering... Now my daughters are grown up and they start to think about it. My son still doesn't care.
Mais comme ils m'ont tous vue bricoler dans mon coin, peut-être l'histoire se répétera-t-elle, qui sait.
But as they always saw me tinkering and creating, sewing, knitting, and making things all their life long maybe it will be for them as it has been for me!
But as they always saw me tinkering and creating, sewing, knitting, and making things all their life long maybe it will be for them as it has been for me!
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