J'avais juré : jamais moi sur les réseaux sociaux, pas de blog, Tumblr niet, Instagram que dalle, Pinterest out! Bon maintenant je suis présente sur tous. Sauf Facebook, une allergie...
I promised I would never be on the social network! No blog, no Tumblr, no Instagram, nada! No Pinterest either. But now I am everywhere but on Facebook, as I am allergic to it ...
Tout a commencé quand ma machine à coudre à rendu l'âme il y a deux ans. Je ne l'aimais pas beaucoup et elle me le rendait bien. Je l'avais acheté il y a ... longtemps... aux 3 Suisses. Elle faisait le point droit et une vingtaine d'autres, d'horribles boutonnières en quatre temps, tellement moches que j'avais fini par faire toutes mes boutonnières à la main, et refusait de piquer plus de deux épaisseurs. Quant aux jeans, même pas la peine de les évoquer. Bref, elle m'avait dégoûtée de la couture, ce qui était un comble pour une fille de couturière.
It all started when my sewing machine finally gave up two years ago. I didn't like it very much and it didn't like me either. I bought it a -long- while ago from 3 Suisses. It could do straight stich and about 20 other stitches, some horrible button holes in 4 steps, so ugly I already started to do them manually and it couldn't sew more than 2 layers of fabric. As for jean fabric, it wasn't even worth to try to sew it.
I was totally disgusted with sewing, which was a shame for the daughter of a seastress...
It all started when my sewing machine finally gave up two years ago. I didn't like it very much and it didn't like me either. I bought it a -long- while ago from 3 Suisses. It could do straight stich and about 20 other stitches, some horrible button holes in 4 steps, so ugly I already started to do them manually and it couldn't sew more than 2 layers of fabric. As for jean fabric, it wasn't even worth to try to sew it.
I was totally disgusted with sewing, which was a shame for the daughter of a seastress...
Pendant une brève vie commune avec un monsieur pas très intéressant, j'ai découvert une machine à coudre toute neuve dans son grenier. C'est la seule chose que j'ai regretté quand notre vie commune s'est interrompue.
When I was living - it didn't last very long! - with a not very interesting man, I found a brand new sewing machine in his attic. This has been the only thing I ever regretted from our common life!
When I was living - it didn't last very long! - with a not very interesting man, I found a brand new sewing machine in his attic. This has been the only thing I ever regretted from our common life!
Alors l'an dernier j'ai cassé ma tirelire et acheté une Bernina qui faisait aussi brodeuse. Depuis je couds en long, en large et en travers. Et maintenant j'ai aussi une Innovis V3, dont je suis folle amoureuse. Puis est venue la surjeteuse. Je me suis installée un atelier... où je passerais ma vie si je n'avais pas aussi à travailler, m'occuper de ma famille et dormir.
So last year, I broke my piggy-bank and bought a Bernina sewing machine which was also embroidering. Since then I sew all day long. I now have also a bigger embroidery machine - Brother Innovis V3 - wich I fell madly in love with. Then I bought a serger. I settled down a workshop... in which I could almost spend my life if only I didn't have to work, taking care of my family and sometimes sleep.
So last year, I broke my piggy-bank and bought a Bernina sewing machine which was also embroidering. Since then I sew all day long. I now have also a bigger embroidery machine - Brother Innovis V3 - wich I fell madly in love with. Then I bought a serger. I settled down a workshop... in which I could almost spend my life if only I didn't have to work, taking care of my family and sometimes sleep.
Il est beau, non? Nice workshop, isn't it?
Et maintenant j'ai ouvert ma boutique Etsy. Je patouille, je patouille, mais je vais m'en sortir. Il y a peu je patouillais tout autant pour juste mettre une photo sur Instagram!
And now I have open my Etsy shop. I am not as good as I would like to be at dealing with it but I will go on! A little while ago I wasn't even that good at putting a wee picture on Instagram!
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